The camera will move with the plane just like a passenger would, and I've used this to set up endless amounts of wing views that have opened up dozens of "virtual passenger" flying opportunities.You can find Matthias' program, which is constantly being updated, here: 's great about his program is you can "save" views which you can call up for your favorite aircraft. 00 - fr FS2004: Fighter-Bomber-Wing 31 - Installation Tornado FSXRepaint of the. Matthias' program not only allows for recording flights of just about any length, he included a feature that lets you replay the flight from any camera perspective. FSX Boeing 747 Caracas Landing Cockpit View ( HD ) Hessen Moheb. A fairly recent freeware tool, it is the Recorder module by Matthias Neusinger. pakistan 610400z gate 3route: hang1e hangu l509 lajak m881 survi g206 gulni p764 pinax b350 vader l138 inlos l142 osh l135 bokis b156 kudeb a309 rotli b247. That's very common with some authors, like Mike Stone.FS2004 offers a great third party tool however that allows wing views for almost any aircraft. cfg tweak will get them for you-the author simply didn't model them. But this is the method I use the most when I simply want to capture wing view shots.How do you tell if an aircraft's VC model has wing views? Simply switch to VC mode and pan around. Option for showing wings in the interior view (wing view) Numerous animations - passenger doors, cargo doors, flaps, rudder, elevators, undercarriage, engine.

However, that can also "move" the pilot out of the VC and also throw off proper perspective on landing.

For those aircraft that do have the wings modelled you can set up wing views in the panel.cfg to be called up by the "view" keys on the numeric keypad, or for many, downloads can be found in the library that you install into the panel.cfg for the plane in question.Another, easy way of setting up a wing view is adjusting the "eyepoint" parameter of the aircraft in the aircraft.cfg aft so it's roughly over the wing. Some aircraft have the wings modeled as part of the "virtual cockpit". Does anyone know of any tutorials on getting wing views?"Thought I would come out of the shadows to offer something to this thread.First, a quick rundown on wing views. Visit the Installing Addon Cameras Tutorial for a detailed walk through of installing cameras."I've seen many screenshots showing wing views but cannot figure out how to get these in my own views. Directions: Copy the cameras you want from below and paste into the Boeing 747-400 aircraft.cfg file, located here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\B747_400\aircraft.cfg